November 1, 2016
Bram & Bluma Appel Salon


Tuesday, November 1

8:00 AM

Registration and Networking Breakfast

Epic, Novella

9:00 AM

Opening Remarks



Heather Cameron
Head of Brand and Creative
Walmart Canada

Mark Tomblin
Juniper Park/TBWA

9:15 AM

Opening Keynote: The MBA Lens with David Kincaid


Your project is unique, and everyone will certainly want to see it. The problem is, the audience doesn’t know about it. That’s where one of Canada’s top strategy consultants, David Kincaid, comes in. Join Kincaid as he dispenses MBA-style advice on how to look at your projects from a product POV. Kincaid has led marketing at mega brands like American Express and Labatt, and also has a broadcaster POV from his days as CMO at Corus Entertainment. Learn about the crucial components of brand development, strategic planning, market insights and measurement from the man whose company provides thought leadership for media companies and brands looking to grow their bottom line.


David Kincaid
Managing Partner and Founder
Level 5 Strategy Group

10:00 AM

So you think you know your audience: Cracking the Canadian Consumer


Age and gender targeting? That’s nice if you only want to scratch the surface of your potential audience. But if you want to enter your next production prepared you'll want to be in the room as Telefilm and Nielsen unveil their new study digging deeper into the film consumption habits of Canadians. Cynthia Pachovski, VP, Nielsen, Consumer Insights North America, will be on hand to detail the report's findings, which breaks Canadians down into key segments, and then analyzes how and why they consume content and view Canadian films. 


Cynthia Pachovski
VP, Nielsen, Consumer Insights North America

10:30 AM

Networking Refreshment Break

Epic, Novella

10:45 AM

Data: How to get it & How to use it


Everyone talks about big data shaping the marketing of the future, but where do you access it and what can you do with it? This session introduces the raw elements of data-point identification and collection, and shares how even modestly-sized projects can profit from big (and small) data. To illustrate the potential, a case study of RBC's participation in the web series V Morgan is Dead delves into how data and research can shape a project and impact its rollout. 


Nick Drew
CEO-Fuse Insights
Fresh Intelligence

John Slighte
Senior Manager, Enterprise Social Media

11:30 AM

Digital Deep Dive


Social media can be one of the most effective tools in your marketing toolkit, but if you’re treating it like a magical free bullhorn then it’s no better than sending a message in a bottle. Learn how to get social tools really working for you by diving into some cheap, cheerful and highly effective digital marketing cases. Get schooled on what not to do in social media as we focus in on the importance of pragmatism, targeting and leveraging your existing audience.


Susan Irving
Pepsico Foods Canada

Mark Tomblin
Juniper Park/TBWA

12:15 PM



Luncheon Roundtables


Join an industry expert for an intimate round table luncheon discussion. Don't miss this chance to network, share ideas and discuss the issues that matter to you. Choose from a wide variety of table discussions, hosted by the expert of your choice.

Sign-up will take place on site at registration desk, on a first-come, first-served basis. If sessions are full, please make your way to the session room 15 minutes before the scheduled start time and if there is an extra spot available, we will do our best to fit you in.

Heather Loosemore, Senior Director, Marketing, Walmart Canada
Building a budget friendly content strategy.

Mark Tomblin, Chief Strategy Officer, Juniper Park/TBWA
Does organic reach still exist?

Cynthia Pachovski, VP, Nielsen, Consumer Insights North America, Nielsen
You think you know, but you have no idea: this is the story of segmentation.

Robert Rose, Chief Strategist, Content Marketing Institute
The tech you need in your marketing back pocket.

David Kincaid, Managing Partner, Founder Level 5 Strategy Group
Planning your brand in an unpredictable market.

Nick Barbuto, Managing Director, Ignition Factory @ OMD
Discover what's next in creative and tech

Amanda Shuchat, Managing Director, The Colony Project
How to spark a conversation that leads to action.


Nick Barbuto, Table host
Managing Director
OMD Canada

Heather Cameron, Table host
Head of Brand and Creative
Walmart Canada

David Kincaid, Table host
Managing Partner and Founder
Level 5 Strategy Group

Cynthia Pachovski, Table host
VP, Nielsen, Consumer Insights North America

Robert Rose, Table host
Founder and CSO
Content Marketing Institute

Amanda Shuchat
Co-Founder & Co-CEO
The Colony Project

Mark Tomblin, Table host
Juniper Park/TBWA

1:15 PM

Afternoon Keynote: What's your content strategy


The new era of marketing is digital - and it’s turning the world of content creators upside down. Advertising is native, product brands are now media companies, publishers are now marketing agencies, and media companies now have to bake the marketing into every piece of content they make. In this session, author and content marketing strategist Robert Rose will help producers and media companies navigate the new ecosystem and become better partners and better marketers by connecting directly with audiences. Rose will discuss the new types of talent, processes and tech that are key to effectively marketing and building IP brands – and how to create long term content strategies that build ROI and equity for your company brand.


Robert Rose
Founder and CSO
Content Marketing Institute

2:00 PM

Let’s give them something to talk about: The New PR


PR is no longer about film reviews, publicity tours and relying on festival-reflected glory. While the old PR tactics were kind of like buying a lottery ticket, the new PR leaves less to chance. It’s knowing what’s important to your audience, seeing where your project intersects with their interests, and beginning that conversation through tactics that range from partnerships and events to causes and new content streams. Now, everything is PR, so learn how to harness its power with examples of activations that cut through the noise.


Brent Nelsen
Leo Burnett Company Ltd

Amanda Shuchat
Co-Founder & Co-CEO
The Colony Project

2:45 PM

Networking Refreshment Break

Epic, Novella

3:00 PM

Amp my Plan


Top advertising execs weigh in on upcoming marketing strategies as three producers share their launch plans in this live pitch session. The media, creative and strategy gurus will share tips for maximizing results and minimizing spend that can be applied to any entertainment marketing push. Someone will win, a few will get chair turns and receive one-on-one marketing mentoring, and everyone will go home a winner armed with new audience insights and campaign tactics.


Jason Chaney, Judge
Cossette Communication Inc.

Cory Eisentraut, Judge
Executive Creative Director
Havas Worldwide Canada

Ann Stewart, Judge
Maxus Canada

3:45 PM

Closing keynote: Out-smart, out-hustle and out play big brand budgets


This year’s Olympic Games in Rio saw more brands spend more money than at any other time in history.  But how do you stand out when your budget isn’t Olympian? You don’t outspend your competitors. You outthink them. Join the closing keynote as TBWA\Chiat\Day’s CEO Rob Schwartz details what Canada’s own sports retailer, SportChek, did against the global brands. And learn how you can win gold with your next project. 


Rob Schwartz

4:30 PM

Closing Remarks



Heather Cameron
Head of Brand and Creative
Walmart Canada

Mark Tomblin
Juniper Park/TBWA

4:45 PM

Closing Cocktails

Epic, Novella

Event Menu

Brand Menu